Sitemap- Illustration of a sitemap for Plan B Marketing's website, showing interconnected sections like Home, About Us, Services, Contact, and Blog with various icons and pathways


Here are the high-priority, must-read pages on the Plan B Marketing website.

Home Page

The initial, conventional marketing plans of most businesses rarely work. Having an open mind and the readiness to adopt a Plan B is crucial for your long-term success.

Plan B Marketing

The initial, conventional marketing plans of most businesses rarely work. Having an open mind and the readiness to adopt a Plan B is crucial for your long-term success.

About Me

Hello, Greg Greenamyer here. I’m kind of “the guy behind the curtain” that thrives on helping small business owners excel. In January 2023 I received my Google UX Design Certificate.

UX Design

The benefits of good UX Design are clear: increased customer satisfaction, reduced customer frustration, and improved brand reputation.

UX Research

In today’s competitive market, understanding your customers is more critical than ever. UX research provides a window into your customers' needs, wants, and pain points.

Effective Domain Name

A professional website may serve as the core of your online presence, but an effective domain name is the foundation. Nothing happens without a domain name.

Professional Website

Your website acts as the central hub for all your online activities, serving as the primary point of contact for potential customers


SEO is not a set-it-and-forget-it strategy. It requires constant attention and regular updates to keep up with the ever-changing algorithms. What works today might not work tomorrow.

Robust Online Presence

In today's digital age, having a robust online presence is more than just a nice-to-have for local businesses – it's a must.

Google Business Listing

Setting up and optimizing your GBP can be a game-changer for your business.

Direct Response Marketing

Direct response marketing is like having a magic wand for your business. It’s a type of advertising designed to get an immediate response from your audience.

Synergistic Effect

When you combine the cost-effective power of Direct Response Marketing with modern UX Design, you create a synergistic effect greater than the total power achieved by each component working separately.

Lifetime Customer Value

Knowing the NLTV will help you determine how much you can afford to spend on acquiring new customers.

Customer Acquisition Cost

Calculating the cost of acquiring a new customer is essential for understanding how much you are spending to bring in each new customer.

Brand Building

Sales-driven growth is about focusing your initial efforts on generating revenue. This approach ensures that your business is financially stable.

Taking Control

Is your marketing effort matching your business dedication?

AI - Artificial Intelligence

In today's competitive market, you must find innovative ways to attract and retain customers. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the marketing landscape.

My Services

See what I do and how I can help you.

Contact Greg

Reach out to me to answer any questions you may have.