Mrs. Mango’s and Her Passionate Customers

Mrs. Mango’s Local Raw Honey

My wife uses local raw honey for her allergies and has been using the same brand for several years now. On my last trip to our local produce stand I found out that their supplier was retiring and it was no longer available.

The search was on. Local raw honey is best for allergies, not the processed honey you find in the grocery stores. As usual I started off with a search on Google but all the results were showing the big stores with the processed honey.

On to plan B. - Pun Intended - I’m a member of a local foodie group on Facebook so I posed the question there. Within 12 hours I had 75 replies and recommendations. The overwhelming majority recommended a little shop that I have passed 100’s of times and never noticed.

First off I was amazed at how many people responded. Secondly, how many people use local raw honey, and last but most importantly from a marketing standpoint how passionate the responses were.

People love everything about this shop from the eclectic ambiance, the friendly and knowledgeable staff , the large selection of herbs, spices, teas, essential oils and raw honey. They actually have bee hives in a wooded area behind the shop along with a couple other locations. 

The passion their customers displayed in their responses created a new customer in me. I have also shared my experience on my personal Facebook page and left positive reviews on Google and Facebook.

The bottom line is you should strive to have a loyal and passionate customer base that spreads the word about your businesses without even thinking or being asked. This is word-of-mouth marketing at its finest.

PS: If you are in the market for  herbs, spices, teas, essential oils and local raw honey check out Mrs. Mango and Company  they ship anywhere.

Greg Greenamyer

UX Research Consultant, Usability Study Analysist and Marketing Strategist located in Melbourne, FL.

Customer service above and beyond expectations!